San Carlos, Adapting to Change


In order to transcend in time, it is fundamental to anticipate and adapt to new trends. Being aware of these, we are constantly developing strategies and actions seeking to maintain us as the leaders of the sugar industry. One of the actions that makes us proud is teamwork, a key element that has become one of our main strengths, both facing and overcoming challenges.

Currently, as a firm, we have an excellent reputation due to our investment in the country in productive, quality and reach areas. We promote innovation, we make changes in our operations, we seek to save and enhance our operational efficiency in order to guarantee a sustainable business model and keep us as the leaders of productivity and sales in the national market.

Under this new business vision, we are the first agroindustry capable of supplying sugar demand in all its presentations. Our trusty and unique distribution channels provide to all our customers, making us the favorite brand among consumers and allowing us to be present in every Ecuadorian household.

Sugar is not just sugar, when San Carlos does it!

San Carlos’ safety and health in the workplace gets a new certification

San Carlos’ safety and health in the workplace gets a new certification

In Ingenio San Carlos, we strongly believe Human Talent is the most valuable asset of our firm. This belief of ours has gotten us to strive in knowing in advance all unwanted but possible events in the workplace (accidents), thus lowering workplace risk and guaranteeing a safe and healthy environment for our employees. Proof of this is the ISO 45001:2018 certification on Safety and Health in the Workplace, replacing the OHSAS 18001:2007.

This world-class certification is the result of a process including several stages, starting with identification, analysis and assessment of the inherent workplace risks in each one of the job positions in Ingenio San Carlos. Furthermore, a Preventive Plan was developed and socialized within the firm. After that, several control actions were made resulting in the reduction of injuries and health issues.

These actions, performed with clear leadership by our Directive, present positive results for Ingenio San Carlos. Both accident rate and absenteeism were lowered; job performance and our branding and corporate image noticeably improved.

We are more than just sugar, we are occupational health and safety!

San Carlos Sugar Welcomes to the new students of Escuela Culinaria (Culinary School)

San Carlos Sugar Welcomes to the new students of Culinary School

180 gastronomy lovers took their first step in their professional carrers as Pastry and Bakery Chefs. The Escuela Culinaria de las Américas, a renowned culinary school in Guayaquil, opened its door to their new students in Culinary Art, held on February 3, 2020 and Pastry and Bakery Chef held on February 5.

As a welcome present, Azúcar San Carlos gifted them a sample of our Powdered Sugar. This formula apart from being designed to pastry, bakery and dessert decoration, counts with a practical and new packaging: easy open, self-standing bag, and Ziplock. We guarantee our product will accompany these Chefs throughout their whole careers, from the kitchen classroom of Escuela Culinaria to the most renowned kitchens in both Ecuadorian and international kitchens.

Escuela Culinaria also received more than a dozen mini Chefs, and almost 30 junior chefs. They will learn the kitchen craft for a month and a half during summer, and they will learn and practice how to prepare superhero cupcakes. Azúcar San Carlos will be in charge of providing flavor with their sugar and the little ones with their creativity giving life to their most beloved superheroes.

Azúcar San Carlos trusts in each of these Chef’s passion about baking, added to the education and training they will get from Escuela Culinaria de las Américas, they will surely shine in the kitchen. We wish them the best of luck in this beautiful, fun and tasty career.

We are more than sugar, we are passion for baking!

Business Merit Award


On October 25, the Honorable Guayas Provincial Government gave an entrepreneurial recognition to Lic. Xavier Marcos Stagg, General Manager of Sociedad Agrícola Industrial San Carlos, an emblematic company of the province. This award was presented on the 199th anniversary of the province’s foundation.

The honoree, apart from his role as General Manager of Sociedad Agrícola e Industrial San Carlos S.A., has always been known for his support on social and community aid. He has conducted health projects, such as the San Carlos Hospital; education projects, the Luis Vernaza School, San Carlos High School and the Apprenticeship Program; and sports projects, the Once Azucarero soccer team.

The award was brought to home by Augusto Ayala, Engr., our Administrative Manager, on behalf of Xavier Marcos Stagg, B.A. The governor of Guayas, Carlos Luis Morales presented the award.



Our dear Marcelino Maridueña canton has become a cycling destination! The first edition of the “La Sacarosa” race started early in the morning on Sunday, October 20, which gathered talented mountain cyclists from various cities of Ecuador: Puyo, Quito, Cuenca, Riobamba, Ambato, Latacunga, Lomas de Sargentillo, Milagro, Naranjito, San Miguel de Bolívar and Guayaquil.

Ciclopaseos Marcelinos, the city’s goverment and the Yánez family held this race, looking to promote love towards cycling. “The objective is to create the first cycling school in the canton for children. There’s a lot of potential here”, Séndic Yánez says.

The race had 286 participants and it had two different courses: Elite and master categories had 45km (28mi) in length and the rookie category had 35km (22 mi) in length. It started from the canton’s center, and the course went through Ingenio San Carlos quarries, La Veinte Mil precinct and part of the Tigrera forest.

MTB Energía San Carlos team, led by John Cadavid, Marketing Manager of Azúcar San Carlos, performed successfully throughout the race..

We are proud of sponsoring this great competition, which not only seeks to encourage cycling, but also promoting good community recreation.

See you next year!



The future of underprivileged children and teenagers is in our hands! Thus, it is important to guide and raise them properly, in order to keep them away from dangerous situations. This has been the mission of Centro de Expresión Musical (Musical Expression Academy), one of the programs offered by Fundación Huancavilca (Huancavilca Foundation), an organization established by Azúcar San Carlos alongside other firms.

The Musical Expression Academy started working since 2002 and it has two premises located in the south of the city, Monte Sinaí and Flor de Bastión. It offers its students the possibilities of learning to play several musical instruments, such as violin, viola, cello, double bass, clarinet and so on.

This knowledge of academic music helped students form the Orquesta Sinfónica Infanto Juvenil del Guasmo (Guasmo Youth Symphony Orchestra) with over 30 young musicians. They have performed 200+ times in the country and several times in international music festivals.

“Results speak for themselves, we created up to four generations of musician in this young talent program”, Juan Francisco Villafuerte, director of the Foundation, states.

This year, Stefanía Merchán became the new director of the orchestra at the age of 27. This violinist returns home after finishing her studies in Ukraine, to lead the place that gave her the wings to distinguish herself in music.

It is our great pride and honor to support this magnificent initiative and to see how great talents have been discovered these past 17 years, boosting Guayaquil and Ecuador’s reputation.

For more information about Fundación Huancavilca’s other programs, visit

Ingenio San Carlos


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